Saturday, July 27, 2013

Best Blogs From Team C 2016 Spanish 9

In general, Mrs. Akhand and I were very impressed with the quality of blogs that Team C 2016 completed during Spanish 9 class. We want to showcase some of the best post and blogs.

Blog that was as clear as it was cute - Konika

Konika's blog is very stylized, and looks unique! It is also very easy to read. This is a great example of a student personalizing their blog while also making sure it doesn't get out of control!

Amazing visually beautiful blog - Kaylona

Kaylona got an advanced grade for most of the posts because she always went the extra mile to complete a visual. She is a Prezi guru! Her attention to detail makes her blog one of the most visually enhanced blogs of the trimester!

Awesome Advanced blogger - Kelsey

Kelsey delivered a quality blog every week. She was very careful to follow all directions. The result is a great portfolio of work throughout the trimester!

Best Male blog - Dylan

Dylan, like the ladies mentioned above, completed all required posts as well as many optional posts. What makes Dylan's blog great is how he has used technology to let his personality and work shine! 

Great blogs by post

Konika's Quien Soy Glog

Muchas gracias for a great trimester Team C 2016! We're really excited to continue your Spanish conversation and culture learning next year!

Native Speaker Interview Day July 2013

Native Speaker Interview Day is one of my favorite days to be your Spanish teacher. I get filled with pride and excitement watching students engage in bilingual conversations with our guests. Here are some photos from the day.
Ricco and Kori interviewing Ms. Dimate
Josh and Stevie interviewing Ms. Aguirre
Kayla and Anna interviewing Mr. Matteo

As I was listening I even learned things. I learned that when someone asks your age in Spanish and they don't want to tell you, they say "sin cuentas" which means "without counting" but also sounds like 50. That was a reminder to me that in many situations it is not appropriate to ask someone's age!

Another thing I overheard was one of our guest engaging in "chit chat" with students before the interview began. He explained that in Latin America, it is considered rude to just get straight down to work without having an informal, how are you check-in conversation. That is very different than what I am used to and I remember struggling with that a lot when I traveled, but I saw how it helped some of our students get comfortable and less nervous before they started the formal interview.

The last thing I want to mention that I overheard was one of our native speakers encouraging a student to try again. He said "No one is going to laugh at you, no one is going to make fun of you." That is very true. Many times, we are too afraid to try something because we are afraid of looking stupid or failing. When you are learning another language, and you practice that language in an attempt to try to communicate and respect someone else's background, even if you mess up, they appreciate the effort. No one is trying to embarrass you, so try your best, and learn something.